Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day everyone

My parents always included my sister and I in Valentines Day. Even as we grew older I would get a Valentines Day card from them. When I went away to university my mom made me a crazy-quilt style heart that I still treasure, it hangs in my sewing room.

A couple of years ago, around Valentines Day, I asked Bones if he was going to give our children Valentine’s Day cards and gifts. He looked at me like I was nuts. I told him how it made me feel, it was a small reminder of just how much they cared. I went on to tell him that I was unsure when I had stopped getting cards, but that wasn’t all that important, it was more how it made me feel as child, especially after they separated and when I moved away. A few days later a letter arrived in the mail. A Valentine from my father, I was so excited. After seeing me, Bones just may have changed his mind.

Happy Valentine’s Day Wee Pea.


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